Hi there parents, if you’re reading this, well done, you’re doing a great job at adulting!
To create a safe experience for you and your child on our show we ask you to read the following.
All content on our show is child appropriate. With children 8 years or under we encourage you to enjoy the show alongside them to provide parental guidance.
The chat box you or your child uses during the show only goes directly to us and all chats are monitored to ensure a fun and safe experience for you and your child. For online safety reasons, kids are unable to chat to other users.
For your child’s online safety, no personal information, other than a child’s first name and age should be provided to us via the chat box. We understand that sometimes people get excited and should you or your child provide more personal information, we guarantee that this information will be not be published in written, visual or audio form.
We often encourage kids to take part in competitions and activities that may require you or your child to photograph their drawing, pictures and other creative work. We love it when you get excited by our show and want to share things with us but we ask that you don’t send images of your child as we are unable to publish them online for child safety reasons.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read our parent (Big kid) information and we can’t wait to hear from you and your child in our next live show!
See you real soon!
Maddy & Jimmy